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Mininterview with Loukas Bafatakis

    Mininterview with Loukas Bafatakis

Just to know some of the DNN Experts on this site, we introduce a mininterview. A short list with questions and answers about the Expert and his DNN.

This interview is done with Loukas Bafatakis , you can find his profile here

Where are you from?
I am from a small coastal town in Northeast Greece called Alexandroupolis.

What was the first DNN version you are working with?
Not sure about the exact version since it’s been over 10 years ago but I believe it was v3.

What is the DNN project (public url) where you are the most proud of?
Now, that’s a really tough question. I’m proud of some from a security perspective, others for functionality and some more for their design. If we exclude the ones I can’t talk about due to NDAs then I would probably say… due to the multilingual, SEO work and awesome people that I really enjoy to work for.

Which module do you like the most?
For the past 18 months I came to know and love EasyDNNnews.

What would be your wish for DNN (f.i. extension, function)?
To fix the lack of a multilingual sitemap.

Are you visiting DNN related events? If Yes, what was the last one and what did you remember of that event?
I didn’t have the pleasure due to the coming of my two daughters but I would love to go to DNN Connect next year and meet some of the people I enjoy their company in Facebook.


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