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Michael Dowd

Member since: 5/31/2023 1:29:33 PM
Views: 80
memberships & awards
DNN Connect
Skills & Expertise
Azure , Consultancy , Database , Hosting , Interfaces , Module development , SQL , Testing , Webmaster
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Country: Romania

Maybe you've been hesitating on pursuing that new project because of the daunting prospect of finding the right partner. Maybe things have felt too tight on the budget front. Maybe you’re just not sure if what you want can be done. Well, that is exactly what we specialize in here at Dowdian.

  • Custom Software Solution to automate that thing that you or your team has to do over and over again, every day or all the time.
  • CRM or ERP Integration so that the data you have can be where it needs to be, wherever that may be.
  • Custom Website so you can share your wonderful news with the world.
  • eCommerce solution or Web Application so the world can share in your exciting products and services.